Rock Discoveries

Selenite: The Radiant and Affordable Gemstone for Spiritual Healing

Selenite: A Crystal That Radiates Elegance and Calmness

Have you ever heard of selenite? This beautiful crystal has become popular among those who are interested in spiritual healing and crystal therapy.

Selenite is a soft, white mineral that is known for its gentle sheen and chatoyancy. This crystal is often transparent and has a milky, pearl-like appearance.

It is relatively affordable compared to other gemstones, making it a popular choice for those who are just starting to explore the world of crystals. In this article, we’ll cover the characteristics of selenite, where it can be found, and its value in the market.

Characteristics and Qualities of Selenite

Selenite is a soft mineral that belongs to the family of gypsum. It has a Moh scale of 2, which means that it is very soft and easy to scratch.

The crystals can be found in various forms such as plates, wands, and towers. The most famous form of selenite can be found in the Naica Caves in Chihuahua, Mexico.

The cave has the largest selenite crystals in the world, with some of them measuring up to 10 meters long!

Selenite is often white or clear in color, which makes it easy to spot. Some crystals also have a gentle sheen that radiates an almost ethereal glow.

This sheen is referred to as chatoyancy and is caused by the way the crystal reflects light. The transparent nature of selenite makes it perfect for carving into various shapes and sizes.

Naica Caves and Availability

As mentioned, the Naica Caves in Chihuahua, Mexico, is home to the largest selenite crystals in the world. However, these crystals are not for sale and are only for showcase in the cave.

That being said, selenite can still be readily available in crystal shops and online stores. However, due to its popularity, it is essential to be aware of fakes in the market.

Value of Selenite

The value of selenite is determined by several factors, such as its color, transparency, and sheen effect. The crystal’s pure white color and semitransparent nature make it a sought-after gemstone for those who appreciate a more subtle look.

Selenite’s affordability is another reason it has captured the hearts of many crystal enthusiasts, with prices ranging between $5-$30 for smaller pieces and $10-$40 for larger crystals.

Quality and Price Range

Selenite comes in various quality grades, with the highest quality being snow-white in color and having a high level of transparency. However, the cost of these highest quality crystals is steep, with prices that can reach up to hundreds of dollars.

The affordability of this crystal means that lower grades of selenite are still highly sought-after.

Softness and Carving Potential

Despite being soft, the softness of selenite does not affect its value. In fact, it is one of the reasons why it is so popular for carving into various shapes and sizes.

The softness of the crystal means that it can be shaped into any design easily. This carving potential opens up unlimited opportunities, from spheres to pyramids and figurines.

It is also worth mentioning that the scarce raw minerals available due to the pandemic have caused the price of selenite to increase slightly. In conclusion, selenite is a gemstone that is both affordable and elegant.

Its gentle sheen and chatoyancy make it an appealing crystal for those who appreciate simple and understated jewelry pieces. Despite its softness, selenite is highly versatile and has unlimited potential when it comes to carving designs.

As with any gemstone, be sure to purchase selenite from reputable sources and be aware of the fakes in the market. Overall, selenite is a beautiful and calming crystal that radiates a sense of peace and tranquility.

3) Reasons for Low Cost of Selenite

Selenite, with its delicate beauty and gentle energy, is often considered to be a luxury crystal. However, when compared to other gemstones, selenite is quite affordable.

The low cost of selenite can be attributed to several factors, including its abundance and prevalence, the formation of gypsum, and its availability and protection.

Abundance and Prevalence of Selenite

Selenite is a ubiquitous mineral that can be found in almost every local mineral locality worldwide. It is a widespread deposit, and in some parts of the world, it is abundant and effortless to find.

The availability of this mineral is one of the primary reasons why it is affordable compared to other gemstones.

Formation of Gypsum

Selenite is a form of gypsum, a mineral that forms in sedimentary environments such as lakes and seas. Gypsum can be found in kilometers of deposits, often in caves or mines.

Due to its abundance, the cost of mining and extracting selenite is relatively low, which makes it more affordable. Unlike diamonds that require significant effort and expertise to extract, selenite is easy to mine and does not require extensive mining equipment.

Availability and Protection

Another reason why selenite is affordable is that there are other materials available to take its place. While it may be a popular stone, it’s not in such great demand as topaz, emerald, or diamond, hence there is no competition that can set its prices high.

Additionally, the government protects some areas where the selenite can be easily found. As a result, it’s not in short supply, which implies that it’s quite affordable.

One can also find selenite in areas that are not protected, and the crystal can sometimes be found by oneself without purchasing it, like in caves or mines.

4) Factors Affecting Selenite Value

While selenite is an affordable gemstone, its value can differ based on several factors such as color, transparency, sheen, chatoyancy, and quality. Color, Transparency, Sheen, and Chatoyancy

White is the natural color of selenite, but it can also be orange and dyed for aesthetic purposes.

The various hues determine their unique values, and some of the colors are highly sought after in the market. Dyed hues are usually considered inferior, and their quality is reflected in their prices.

Orange selenite is considered rare and more valuable when it comes to selenite. Transparency is another significant factor that affects the value of selenite.

Transparent pieces of selenite are more valuable than opaque or opaque with inclusions. It’s also worth noting that there are various forms of selenite that don’t have transparency, such as satin spar.

Satin spars are more widely available and often considered less valuable than transparent selenite. Sheen and chatoyancy are additional factors that are considered when determining the value of selenite.

The sheen is a satin-like appearance that highlights variation in the crystal, while chatoyancy is a cat’s eye band in the stone caused by mineral fiber or crystal inclusion. In general, selenite with a pleasant satin-like sheen is deemed more valuable than those without sheen and chatoyancy.

Sticking to Quality

Quality has a significant impact on the value of any mineral, including selenite. The highest quality selenite is snow-white, transparent, and has no dark inclusions.

The crystal will have a pleasant satin-like sheen that enhances its beauty. A pure snowy white hue with an overall lovely appearance is highly sought-after in the selenite market.

Snow-white selenite with high transparency is exquisite when combined with other minerals or used as a standalone crystal, and can bring an elegant and sophisticated look to any collection. In summary, the affordability of selenite can be attributed to its abundance, prevalence, formation of gypsum, and government protection.

The factors affecting selenite’s value include color, transparency, sheen, chatoyancy, and quality. While the price of selenite is relatively low, the beauty and energy it radiates can still bring value to those who possess it.

5) Selenite Pricing Across Units and Where to Buy

Selenite has become a favorite among crystal collectors due to its affordability and elegance. The pricing of selenite can differ based on the unit of measurement, with some measuring in carats, grams, ounces, pounds, or kilos.

Additionally, it’s important to know where to buy selenite and how to avoid purchasing fake material.

Price Range Across Different Units

The pricing of selenite can vary based on the unit of measurement. When measured in carats, selenite can cost as low as $0.012 per carat.

When measured in grams, the price of selenite can range from $0.06 per gram to $0.08 per gram. If measured in ounces, the price can be around $1.8 per ounce.

When buying in bulk, the price of selenite per pound can be around $30, while when measured in kilos, the price is approximately $60 per kilo.

Reliable Offline and Online Shops

When looking for selenite, it’s important to find reliable sellers whether online or offline. A simple search for selenite online can lead you to various online shops like Amazon, Etsy, and eBay.

These platforms have different varieties of selenite ranging from small pieces to large blocks that can be carved into figurines, spheres, and other shapes. Offline shops are another option for those who prefer the traditional shopping experience.

These shops can often be found in mineral shows, local fairs, and other similar events. Visiting these shows can give you an opportunity to see and inspect the selenite up-close, helping you make an informed purchase.

Avoiding Fake Material

As with any gemstone, it’s essential to be aware of fake selenite in the market. The first step to avoiding fakes is to look for natural material.

Dyed selenite is not as valuable as natural selenite, and they may be marketed as the real thing, but they’re much less valuable. Careful observation is necessary to avoid purchasing dyed or fake material.

Fake selenite can be identified through its overall appearance. Real selenite has a satin-like sheen, translucent satin spar, and chatoyancy band that moves in the light.

The surface should be smooth to the touch and not bumpy. If an element on the selenite appears to be artificially added, it’s likely to be a fake.

6) Conclusion and Overview of Value

Selenite is a gemstone that is both affordable and elegant, making it a sought-after material in the crystal market. The availability of selenite and the various colors available add to its value.

The moonlight-like sheen, satin spar, and chatoyancy band increase its overall beauty, and the affordability means it is an excellent carving material for collectors. In conclusion, selenite is a good value material that is widely available.

Its affordability makes it a go-to crystal for beginners, while experienced collectors can enjoy the beauty and elegance it brings. When buying selenite, it’s essential to find a reliable seller, watch out for fake materials, and inspect the crystal properly.

With proper care and attention, selenite can add sophistication and elegance to any collection. In conclusion, selenite is a versatile and affordable gemstone that radiates elegance and calmness.

Its affordability is due to its abundance, prevalence, and the formation of gypsum. While prices can differ based on the unit of measurement, selenite is generally affordable and widely available.

When buying selenite, it’s important to be aware of fakes and buy from reliable sellers. Selenite is a great option for those who are just starting their crystal collection or those who appreciate simple and sophisticated jewelry.


Q: What is the Moh scale of selenite?

A: Selenite has a Moh scale of 2, which means that it is quite soft and easy to scratch.

Q: Is selenite expensive?

A: Selenite is generally an affordable gemstone compared to others.

Q: Can selenite be dyed?

A: Yes, selenite can be dyed for aesthetic purposes, but it is not as valuable as natural selenite.

Q: What are the different forms that selenite can take?

A: Selenite can be found in various forms such as plates, wands, and towers.

Q: What factors affect selenite’s value?

A: The value of selenite is determined by several factors, including color, transparency, sheen, chatoyancy, and quality.

Q: How can I avoid buying fake selenite?

A: The best way to avoid buying fake selenite is to look for natural materials and pay close attention to its appearance and texture.

Q: Where can I buy selenite?

A: Selenite can be bought from reliable online shops such as Amazon, Etsy, and eBay, as well as offline at mineral shows and local fairs.

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